"We are travelers on a cosmic journey, stardust, swirling and dancing in the eddies and whirlpools of infinity" Paulo Cohelo

Jeremy Westgate's extraordinary photographic artworks appear as if created by celestial mechanics and gravitational forces. They glow with an otherworldly light in a deep black void.

Using a unique process, Jeremy is able to develop the colours and textures from his photographs of the places and objects that are hinted at in the artwork titles, from a French river gorge to a British nuclear power plant.

i c o n

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b i g   b a r n

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l o s t

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o b s e r v a t o r y

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v e r d o n

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w i s h   y o u   w e r e   h e r e

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e l e c t r a g l i d e

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m a r i a' s     p l a c e

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f l u i d

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p o w e r ⠀ s t a t i o n

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a e g e a n

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7    c r y s t a l    b a l l s

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i r o n   r i v e t

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whirlpools of infinity - greeting card pack

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Bespoke and Commissions